Tax Process Overview
To complete your tax returns, we’ve broken the process down into a series of 3 high level stages: Get Organized, Prepare Your Return, File Your Return. Each stage has a few steps to it.
Step 1: Get Organized
Gather your income documents
Confirm your return is in scope
Step 2: Prepare Your Return
Option 1: Personalized Guide
Create your Personalized Guide using our free tool
Prepare your return using the personalized guide
Option 2: Use general guides
Confirm your federal tax residency status for 2022. You can use our free Am I A Nonresident Alien? tool.
Determine if you need to file a tax return
Determine your treaty benefits. You can use our free What Are My Treaty Benefits? tool.
Determine which scenario(s) apply to you
Prepare your return using the basic scenario
Update your return with any special circumstances scenarios
Step 3: File Your Return
E-file your return
Paper file (if you can’t e-file)
Further information and (lots of) details can be found on the pages for each of these steps.