Tax Process Overview

To complete your tax returns, we’ve broken the process down into a series of 3 high level stages: Get Organized, Prepare Your Return, File Your Return. Each stage has a few steps to it.

  • Step 1: Get Organized

    • Gather your income documents

    • Confirm your return is in scope

  • Step 2: Prepare Your Return

    • Option 1: Personalized Guide

      • Create your Personalized Guide using our free tool

      • Prepare your return using the personalized guide

    • Option 2: Use general guides

      • Confirm your federal tax residency status for 2022. You can use our free Am I A Nonresident Alien? tool.

      • Determine if you need to file a tax return

      • Determine your treaty benefits. You can use our free What Are My Treaty Benefits? tool.

      • Determine which scenario(s) apply to you

      • Prepare your return using the basic scenario

      • Update your return with any special circumstances scenarios

  • Step 3: File Your Return

    • E-file your return

    • Paper file (if you can’t e-file)

Further information and (lots of) details can be found on the pages for each of these steps.