We are now open for Tax Year 2023 memberships!

If you would like to request secure access to prepare your 2023 taxes, please click on the below link to go to the membership options page. 

We are live with the tax preparation software, guides, and other supporting materials as of January 29, 2024.   Our schedules for individual assistance are open for reservations, with events starting in early February.

Our membership pages are being run through our partner NoRTH’s (The NonResident Tax Help Group’s) website this year. They partner with NRVTAP and other organizations around the U.S. to help individuals with a school, nonprofit, or government email address file their taxes for free. The different member sites are customized to show locally relevant information - for NRVTAP that includes things like how to download your student account statement on One-Stop, or scheduling appointments for in-person tax clinics held at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. The general tax software, tools, guides, and remote support are available to all members.

Tax Year 2023 Membership Options

For further assistance please reach out to us by email:

Thanks, and we’ll hope to see you at a tax event soon!

The NRVTAP & NoRTH Teams