Welcome to NRVTAP!

NonResident Volunteer Tax Assistance Program

We make filing taxes professional, simple, and free!

NRVTAP is recruiting for volunteers!


Tax year 2023 End of Season Results

  • Tax Year 2023 Federal Refund: $1,726,517

  • More than 4,500 Members

  • 3,052 Filed Federal Returns

  • 3,245 Filed State Returns

  • 30 Events

We are recruiting 2024- 2025 volunteers now!

NRVTAP is a Free service that supports both nonresidents and residents to file their tax returns each year since 2018.

  • All are welcomed

  • Free training with food will be provided

  • No Experience required

  • Build your resume

  • Network

Interested? Sign in today and connect with us!

Tax Year 2022 End of Season Results :

1,945 federal and 2,294 state tax returns e-filed and accepted, with over $1,264,000 in federal refunds for our members!

Supporting 3,128 members with free access to tax software, tools, and individual support.

Trained 46 tax volunteers, conducted 29 tax clinics, 7 office hours sessions, with 612 hours of volunteer support.

918 tax appointments completed with an additional 140 walk-ins. 1,031 appointments (out of 1,370 available) scheduled by members. 11% of members did not show for their appointments.


Support 2,000 members with free access to tax software, tools, and individual support. Have 1,200 federal and 1,400 state tax returns e-filed and accepted.

Train 30 tax volunteers, conduct 36 tax clinics, with over 1,100 appointments available for members.

Tax Year 2022 Goals:

Tax Year 2021 Results:

979 federal and 1,119 state tax returns e-filed and accepted, with $548,778 in refunds for our members!

Supported 1,820 members with free access to tax software, tools, and individual support.

Conducted 19 clinics and 4 office hours sessions - with 468 hours of volunteer support for 575 members by 31 trained and IRS certified tax volunteers.

Quick Links

Frequently Asked Questions

We have put together an FAQ that answers many of the most commonly asked questions. Please review this before contacting us, and feel free to reach out of you have a question that is not addressed.

Volunteer with us!

Thinking about becoming a volunteer? It’s easy!

Check your Refund Status

You can check your refund status here.